English 10 Final (2012)

E-mail your response to knelson@alpinedistrict.org

Read through the Utah Core Curriculum for Language Arts. These are the intended learning outcomes for 10th grade. Your task is to write a two-page response to this question:

What did you learn this year?

Use information from the core to determine if what you learned is what you were supposed to learn. This final is worth 25 points. I will consider the following when grading: neatness, clarity, reflection, and conventions.

Here’s a list of some of the stuff we did this year:

· Writing Journals aka Risk Pads: 80 pages

· Reading Logs with active reading strategies (evaluate, connect, predict, etc.)

· Speak: destiny word, character theme song

· Night: sympathy, empathy, compassion

· Monster: Racism 2.0, critical thinking

· The House on Mango Street: vignettes, double dutch

· 20 book challenge

· Projects/Papers: Speak final project, Little League Argument, Holocaust, the other side of the fence, Multigenre, final four class video, book of vignettes.

· Poetry: march madness bracket, final four class videos, open mic

· Grammar Ball: dice, one sentence

· Presentation: theme song, multigenre paper, march madness poems, open mic poetry, journals/risk pads, three risks

Lone Peak High School mission statement

Committing minds to inquiry, hearts to compassion, and lives to the service of mankind