- Eazy-E - If you really knew me
- Chali 2na - If you really knew me
- Evangeline Ruins - Pablo Neruda
- Regina George - If you really knew me
- William R. Holden - Jealouis C.K.
- Regina George - I Am
- Charlie Sparrow - Lost in Paris
- Sly Lewis - How Do Mountains Say Goodbye?
- Shopgirl - Forgetting
- Lemoses Pepperseed - Found Poem
- Victoria Secret - I walk alone.
- William R. Holden - Raison
- Travis Caskret - A Trip to Normalcy
- shopgirl - Scars
- Eazy-E - Welcome to a day in my life.
- Evangeline Ruins - Musings of a Love-struck Girl
- Effervescent Laughter - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
- Lily Kann - Broken Dream
- Minecraft Steve - How to customize your journal
- David Beckham - Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
5/17/2011 (class favorites):
- Quentin Tarantino - Creativity Eludes Me
- Syl - this is a toast
- Ivan Antonov - Fly Away
- Ferb Fletcher - Gandhi
- Syl - gandhi apocalypse
- Kim Kardashian - Dear NYC, Please take me back
- Jasper the lonely man - Jumproping is harder with unmade decisions
- Sara Brighton - Take a picture, capture a story
- HisSpamYola - Drowning in the normality of life
- Alice Rossi - Not all who wander are lost
- Jasper the Lonely Man - Complaints
- Molly - Complaints
- Mouse - I'm tired of...
- Little Skipper - Complaints
- Ivan Antonov - Who Cares?
3/30/2011 (Poem Videos):
- TheAbstract - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
- Syl - The Truth About Oblivion
- Bobbi Jane - What is love, exactly?
- George Cooper - Love is All
- Makala - Harsh Words of Reality
- Syl - Indirect Orders
- Halo Renrut - Thinking About You
- Dr. Frankl - Direct My Rock
- Ivan Antonov - Thinking About You
- Sigmund Freud - Da intro yo
- HiDdEn PoTeNtIaL bEhInD a SiMpLe DiShWaShEr- Alicia Keys
- Shake it - Bombalurina
- 50-word story: Another Bottle - James Caan
- ...so you think you are a poet... - spindle.of.thoughts
- Shakespear Dust - Teen Wulf
- Stephan Christian - I'm Thinking About You
- That One Guy - Final Existence
- Tony Hawk - Impulse
- Sandy Olsson - Love is...
- Jean L. Flinch - Impulse