- Alice Rossi
- Aryana Pearl
- Bilbo Baggins
- Blarck
- Bobbi Jane
- brindlebentz
- Bruce Wayne
- Charles Henry
- Colin Mochrie
- Cosmo Kramer
- Dog King
- Don Ron Johnson
- Doris Day
- Dr. Frankl
- Ferb Fletcher
- Frodo Baggins
- George Cooper
- H.J Mackey
- Halo Renrut
- HisSpamYola
- Ivan Antonov
- J.Lo
- Jasper the lonely man
- Joker
- Jonathan Ives
- Josie Geller
- Justin Bieber
- keptin-blu
- Kim Kardashian
- kokobeen
- kramer
- Lisa Simpson
- Little Skipper
- Makala
- Mark William Calaway
- Maximus Meridius
- mmmwhatchasay
- Molly
- Mouse
- Mrs. Jared Allen
- Neal Caffrey
- Nelsons gift
- NOT chase
- Onyx
- Picasso's Crayons
- Pink Notebook
- Pooka
- Quentin Tarantino
- Ramon Beeson
- Reagan
- Righteous Fury
- Rod Kimble
- Sara Brighton
- Shabootie
- Sigmund Freud
- Smith Lee
- St. Augustine
- Syl
- Tall Terry
- texas
- the lone wolf
- The Louisville Lip
- The Mystery Wolf
- TheAbstract
- Trinity Fox
- uffy
- Velvet Underground
- Veronica
2010-2011 (1st Semester)
- Adrien Paloski
- Alex Shelnutt
- Alice Adams
- Alicia Keys
- Annabelle Pleasanton
- Annie Knight
- Beatrice Q.
- Bombalurina
- Bowser Jr.
- Cameo Shock
- Captain Jack Sparrow
- Chip Koop
- Commodus
- Curious Jorge
- Deron Williams
- Dottie Kemenshek
- Dr. Seuss
- Dustin Gilbert
- Ellie Mayer
- eminem
- Eva Peron
- Francis O.
- Frank Lucas
- H.R. in alpine
- Hyrum Stone
- ihitnelsoncar
- Indy
- Itty Bitty
- James Caan
- Jay Electronica
- Jean L. Flinch
- Jimmy Page
- Juno Brody
- Justin Pierre
- Kwame Brown
- Lady Bonbons
- Lottie Lee
- Louis the Bear
- Maple Bowen
- Marshall Mathers
- Miley
- Mr. Fredrickson
- Mufasa
- Nacho
- Newman Nelson
- Pearl Hart
- Pete Maravich
- Peter Piper
- Quantum
- Rowly
- Ruben Cogburn
- Sally Burton
- Sandy Olsson
- Skippy
- Spider Monkey
- spindle.of.thoughts
- Star Noble
- Stephan Christian
- Syd Barrett
- Teenwulf
- That One Guy
- Tommy Boy
- Tony Hawk
- Victoria Secret
- Wendyl Ferdenand
- Yodeling Goat